How To Properly Contour Your Cheeks

I had the best experience at Sephora a few weeks ago! I learned how to contour my cheeks the correct way. I knew it was important to select the right colors, but all along, I’ve been doing it backwards, I was highlighting the area that should have been low lighted. Most of us who have attempted to contour, understand the purpose is to create a shadow effect but are we doing it right? Well, now you can see what I learned.
Why Do We Want A Shadow Effect?
In the process of writing this, my mom asked me, why I would want a shadow on my face. Therefore, I decided to explain this first, so here goes… by creating a shadow, you are making some of the areas darker on your face (low lighting), with the hopes to highlight another area, like your cheekbones, for instance. When you properly contour the area under your cheek bones, it should make this area appear to be indented so to speak; hence making your cheekbones seem more prominent.
How To Create a Shadow Effect For Your Cheeks:
- You want to choose a bronzer that has undertones that are similar to the color of a shadow. Well, that made sense, I guess that is why whenever I used a shimmer color it didn’t look right! So don’t use a shimmery bronzer; it is a big no, no according to the girl at Sephora.
- Stay away from extremely tan bronzers, as they can make you look like you have dirt on your face or that you have a bruise.
- Don’t use a bronzer that has heavy orange undertones.
- DO select a bronzer that has more of an ash tint to it.
How to Make Your Cheeks Pop:
Color: Apply a rose
color blush, this helps for the more natural cheek look.
Makeup Brush: Put the blush on with a blush brush.
Where To Apply: Spread the
blush over the apples of your cheeks.
How To Contour:
Color: The bronzer she used on me was Benefit Hoola.
Makeup Brush: Use an angled brush. The brush used on me was a flat
brush that came with the bronzer. However ELF has a perfect contouring brush
Where To Apply:
- Apply under your cheek bones first. The best way to locate this area is to suck in your cheeks, then apply bronzer to the reseeding area (parallel to your jaw line). It is important to blend well, so you don’t see the line of makeup.
- Bring the color to your hairline and edge it out there.
- Smile! Yes, I said smile, when you do this, you will be able to add some color to the corner part of your cheek bones nearest your nose & lips. This will help minimize this area as well, allowing for that great cheek pop.
- Finish this look by applying some highlights above your blush by using a luminzer.
- Bronzer: Benefit Hoola
- Contour Brush Suggestion: e.l.f Studio Contouring Brush
- Luminzer: Microsmooth Luminizer, Smashbox Artificial Light Luminizing Lotion
- Blush Brush: Pro Precision Blush Brush #73
Another Suggestion: I located a product after the makeup artist had contoured my face. This is an all in one kit, making it easier! MicroSmooth Baked Sculpting Trio
Areas To Contour:
- Under Cheekbone
- Along Both Sides of Your Nose
- Jawline
- Above Cheekbone
So there you have it! Great cheeks that any movie star would envy!
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Good tips :) x