What??? Yes, you read correctly, the air we breathe can also age our skin! Most people do not realize this as we can't always see or feel it. But there are all kinds of nasties floating around in the air that can impact our skin in a negative way.
Sucks, doesn't it? As whoever thought air pollution could also be a culprit for making us age quicker. Well, beauties it is. Not only can these evil
free radicals (these are created from the pollution, and even the sun) attack our skin causing several premature aging issues like breaking down the collagen of the skin and creating wrinkles. They also can weaken the skin, which can cause sagging, brown spots as well as triggering oxidative stress in our skin and much more. So, in addition to topical creams for anti-aging, we also need to be taking some steps to help protect ourselves against these free radicals caused by pollution and other environmental factors.
Top 6 Ways To Fight Free Radicals From Damaging The Skin
No. 1 ATMOtube Personal Air Quality Trackers
This is a wearable, portable device that monitors the quality and safety of the air you breathe. It comes in with two different options:
The Atmotube PRO and The Atmotube Plus.
One thing that I like about this product is that unlike other
air quality trackers that only measure outdoor or indoor air quality, this product is a perfect fit for both. Additionally, it is small enough that you can clip it to your purse on the go or leave it on your table at your home or office and get real-time information about the air around you.
These bad boys will turn into your personal
air quality coaches as both devices let you know what's in the air, wherever you are. It also has immediate alerts when the air is not safe enough and can tell what you can do to reduce exposure to polluted air.
Atmotube PRO
This device detects PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 pollutants, like dust, pollen, soot, and mold, plus a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs). All in real-time!
It also measures atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity, and helps you to stay in the most comfortable and safe environment. It’s like having a mini-weather station next to you.
Amtotube Plus
The Atmotube Plus has the same features as the PRO, with the only difference being that it doesn’t detect particles.
It measures:
- Volatile Organic Compounds- a wide range of TVOCs like acetone, methanol, benzene, ethanol, xylene, and formaldehyde.
- Atmospheric pressure – those who are sensitive to weather changes will find it super useful!
- Temperature & Humidity – too low humidity causes dry skin, lips, and hair.
How To Use: I will not get into all the details here. But I did want to mention that you connect this to your cellphone or tablet. Simply download the free app, and the device starts measuring air quality immediately but will get more accurate after the first 12 hours.
(Proper calibration takes time).
No. 2 Diet
Eating foods that are high in antioxidants such as berries, tomatoes, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, avocados, and nuts are a must. Remember what you put in your body is as important as what you put on it.
No. 3 Antioxidants
Antioxidants are molecules that can safely interact with free radicals and stop the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged.
Why is this important? By preventing the production of harmful free radicals, your skin will have the ability to produce healthy cells, which, in turn, generate more healthy cells, which can help to slow down the aging process.
In addition to finding these in foods, they can also be found in vitamins E, C, and A as well as in some skincare products that you can apply topically.
No. 4 Skincare Products
There are tons of products out there that can help, way too many to list. So, I am going to suggest the types instead of brands.
A Toner: Toners are great as they help to thoroughly clear away makeup, dead skin cells, and any other grime and pollutants that may be on your skin.
A Vitamin C Serum: Products with Vitamin C in them can help protect our skin against these age provoking dangers. They do so by complementing our skin with natural ingredients that further strengthens its durability and protective agents, enabling us to achieve a better, healthy complexion.
Probiotics: You may already be familiar with the fantastic health benefits of eating foods that contain probiotics or of taking probiotic supplements.
But there are also benefits for the skin. Although the top layers of our skin are dead, there's an abundant population of microflora living there
(both good and bad). The bad can affect the skin's appearance, cause premature aging, acne, and more. A
skincare product with probiotics in it can help to not only balance the good and bad flora, but also strengthen the skin's surface against environmental threats.
No. 5 Wash Your Face
I'm sure you've heard many times the importance of washing your face daily. Not only because of the dirt and other pollutants you've exposed yourself to all day but also to remove your makeup.
You see, our skin renews itself while you sleep, and when you don't wash your makeup off before going to bed, you are preventing this renewal process from happening. Skin that does not breath will fatigue much earlier than you want, leading to premature aging. In addition to washing, I suggest adding some
exfoliation to help sloth away some of those dead skin cells that are holding on to the pollutants!
No. 6 Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Let's first start with the fact that our makeup brushes can harbor bacteria and dead skin cells, and who wants to put that on their skin, NOT ME!
So, if you are NOT cleaning your makeup brushes regularly, you are putting this nasty stuff back on your skin. And guess what, dirty makeup brushes can lead to wrinkles. Also,
dirty pillows can too!
So, there you have it beauties, not only have you found out how the air we breathe can age our skin, but ways to fight those free radicals caused by air pollution.
As I am sure you can see this entire process starts with the air we breathe, and the healthier it is, the less it can negatively impact our skin! This is why I am excited that
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