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February 15, 2013

Proper Mascara Care:

Another Lashing Out Series

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BB Bit 1: When applying your mascara, it is important that you do not pump your mascara wand up and down in the bottle as it as it can create bacteria.  Instead, roll the tube back and forth, with lid closed between your hands, creating heat; this will soften the mascara, adding to easier application. 

BB Bit 2: How long should you keep your mascara?  This all depends on how often you use it, but I say if you haven’t used most of your mascara by three months, toss it.   Furthermore, if it gets really dried out or worse yet stinks, get rid of it!  Bad mascara can damage your eye's lashes, and even cause serious irritation to your eyes.

BB Bit 3: How to revive dried-out mascara.  First, you need to make sure it does not fall into one of the bits mentioned in BB Bit 2.  If all is good to go, then you can add some bits of eye drops to your mascara to loosen it up, and viola it applies like new!

"Blink, Blink"...Until Next Time!



  1. Love the eye drop bit, this works wonders!!

    1. Yes it does. It's been a life saver, especially on a trip, where I may of only brought one mascara. Helps you in a crunch!
      Thanks For Stopping By,

  2. I never had my mascara dry up that fast! But the eye drops are interesting- I'll try it out!

    1. You must be using some great mascara, or is it those wonderful eye lash extensions?
      Thanks For Stopping By,


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