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April 11, 2013

Social Media Explained With Makeup

Everything you wanted to know about social media explained with makeup, by Barbies Beauty BitsGood evening lovelies, tonight I’m going to talk to you about a topic that you don’t see me talk much about on this blog, which is social media marketing. Yeah I know; you're probably wondering, why are you talking about social media, and what does it have to do with beauty?  We’ll bear with me, there’s a reason.

To start with, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. Aside from beauty & blogging, I am also a marketing professional and have been in the field for about 17 years.  Social media is something that I hear a lot of people talk about, whether they are questioning, complaining, or praising, it has been incorporated into our everyday lives.  We see it being used for both business and personnal, helping to spread our existence to the world via the Internet.   However, the biggest issue I see is that people don’t really understand what each social media platform is for.  More importantly which one fits them and which ones don’t, as it is not for everyone.   Plus, let’s be honest social media can be confusing at times.  So, over the next few weeks, I will be giving you some insights with the goal of helping you to understand the differences between the major social media platforms.  Tonight, I’m incorporating a little twist to it. By giving an introduction to these various mediums from a beauty bloggers perspective, focusing on the ones that I use most.  And the best part, it will all be explained by makeup.  Check out the infographics to the right.  

In conclusion, social the media is like any other marketing medium, when used correctly it can help your business.   So before you decide which platform to implement, you first need to have a plan. More importantly you need to know what are your expectations and goals. Keeping in mind those are not necessarily social media goals, but rather your marketing goals. In turn you will select the medium that helps you accomplish those goals.   I mean you wouldn’t sell hairspray to bald man, now would you?

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  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the insights in to social media, you're right it can be confusing at times.


    1. Most certainly, I'm glad I could be helpful!

  2. Love the infographic in this post, it's great! But maybe the Pinterest one should be "Here's a board of makeup I want to put on"? xx

  3. hey Barbie~ I am coming over from the monday beauties blog hop! <3 erica

    1. Erica,
      Thanks for stopping by, I'll be checking out your page today as well! Keep in touch

  4. I agree! To use social media effectively in building your brand you gotta stay consistent!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  5. Bree,

    Consistency and relevance. Thanks for the comment!

  6. Great info and ideas,..It helps me a lot.

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