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June 2, 2014

Acne Face Mapping: What Are Your Zits Saying About You?

Acne Face Mapping: What Are Your Zits Saying About You? By Barbie's Beauty Bits

I heard the end of a TV talk show recently, where they were discussing face mapping, so I decided to do some research on it.  I was surprised to see how many dermatologists have adopted this philosophy, as this viewpoint is from ancient Chinese medicine.  The definition of  face mapping or Mien Shiang means reading the face. Basically, the belief is that your face is map with different zones and each zone represents a different area of the body, that is contributing to the blemishes in that particular region.  Now I am not a medical professional, so read at your own risk.  Furthermore, just because you have a zit between your eyes, I'm not suggesting you are an alcoholic, with a failing liver.  Additionally, this is not an exact science,  I just thought this view point was interesting.  Please read at your own risk and if you have some serious issues, make sure to get with a dermatologist on the matter.

So now that I got that out of the way, let me share with you the different zones and the internal area's of the body, in which it is connected with.


Zone 1 & 2: The forehead, this is connect to your digestive  system & bladder.

Zone 3:  Between your brows, this is associated with your liver.  My allergist told me about this area years ago, that is was associated with food allergies.  I read that alcohol too, can also lead to blemishes in this zone.  

Zone 4 & 5: Around your eyes: Kidneys.  Any dark circles here can represent that you are dehydrated, so make sure you drink plenty of water.

Zone 6: Your nose... The heart. Do you have high blood pressure?  If so, according to the ancient belief this can contribute to redness or blackheads on your nose. Also if  you have issue's in this region it could be a lack of vitamin B.

Zone 7 & 8: Your ears: Kidneys are associated with this part.

Zone 9 & 10: Your cheeks are your respiratory.  If you smoke or eat a lot of sugars you will see problems in this spot.

Zone 11 & 12: Jaw area:  Hormonal imbalances or if you are under a lot of stress, you may see a breakout during those times.

Zone 13: The center of the chin is related to the stomach.  If you have some digestive issues for instance or eat a lot of greasy foods, you may see a breakout on your chin.

Zone 14: The neck area... An Illness:  If your body is fighting a sickness, you may see zits in this section.

So there you have it, whether you believe in this thought process or not, I think it goes to show that there is a correlation with what we eat, both internally and externally within our bodies.  In my opinion, the statement "we are what we eat" proves to be true here.  So, next time you wake up with dark circles under your eyes or a big zit between your brows, remember it could have something to do with that bottle of wine and bag of Hershey kisses you consumed a few days prior.

Do you know anyone who studies this or do you have anymore insight on the topic?  If so, please leave a comment and share with my readers and I.

Until next time, lovelies.



  1. My endocrinologist associates acne on the neck with PCOS when it's combined with more peach fuzz than is normal.

    1. Ditto this! Still a lot of interesting information here.

  2. This is a fabulous blog posting. I have a massive break out at the moment on my cheeks and neck area and now I have a rough reason why. I think I need to cut down on all of that sugary chocolate xo

  3. I have never had zits when I eat greasy food or if I eat sweets. I usually get hormonal zits on my chin. It was fun read :) thanks for sharing! xo's

  4. I am one of those lucky people that can count the number of pimples I've had in my entire life on one hand. I sure hope my kids have my skin when they grow up!

  5. I guess I don't know much about this. Will have to check it out more.

  6. This is really interesting to know.I really get any zits.Thank you for sharing.

  7. This is really interesting. I never thought about zits being related to other problems, but it definitely makes sense!

  8. Mine are usually on my chin, which apparently means I'm under a lot of stress and have stomach issues. I have IBS and stress, so this could totally be true!

  9. This is really interesting to see the connection to various parts of the body. This actually helps a bit! Thank you!

  10. How funny, mine indicate a hormone inbalance! Considering I just had a baby....makes complete sense!

  11. I didn't know all of this info. Very interesting and explains a lot for me!

  12. I'm all about zone 6 and 11 & 12. It makes sense as I have a ton of stress and probably need more Vitamin B :)

  13. Hmm didn't realize zit placement said something else about your body. How does this work with tweens who are just going through hormone changes? Would love to know.

  14. This is actually super super interesting and informative. Zone 13 is my issue and I have stomach sensitivities. Never thought that the two could be related!

  15. I've never heard this before. But I do tend to get zits in the same spots. Interesting.

  16. This is really interesting and helpful! Definitely learned something new...

  17. WOW! This is very interesting, and I totally believe the theory behind it. It's funny how when different things are wrong with our bodies, OTHER parts of our bodies try to tell us!

  18. I still have acne, and I'm not sure why! Argh! Thanks for the tips!

  19. This is so interesting! My area of breakouts is caused from stress, which I believe!

  20. I have gone a while with no zits and now I have one next to my nose. This is great information to learn in regards to keeping in tune with my body.

  21. I have always been zone 11 & 12 - hormones do a number on my face. Plus I am positive stress is also a major cause!

  22. my husband suffers from acne sometimes. I'll have to share this with him

  23. I've never heard of this before! It's definitely amazing how our bodies work! Thanks for sharing.

  24. This is SO interesting! I never even thought to look further into my acne or where it occurs. I am bookmarking this for future reference!

  25. This is so interesting! I only break out in my chin area from time to time, and I do get tummy issues a lot. I can see there being a connective pattern here!

  26. I have never heard of this! This is fascinating!

  27. I had no idea that where you got a breakout or blemish had a reason behind it. I'm the 10-12 range all on my chin! Now I know why!

  28. My zones are 9 and 10. It figures since I probably eat more sugary foods than I should.

  29. This is good information. I was not aware of these connections at all

  30. Wow, this is so interesting, since I suffer from adult acne! Zone 11-12 are my problems right now!

  31. A lot of good information. I'm having issues in one of my zones and the reason behind it is spot on :)

  32. All of these are right! I picked out my zones and read about them- spot on! (Pun intended!)

  33. What an interesting concept. I break out along my jaw ANYTIME I'm stressed and not that makes perfect sense.

  34. I have somehow escaped the acne issue. I am not taking it for granted either. Great information. Especially the zone breakdown.

  35. I read this before and thought it was so interesting! Guess I need to drink more water.

  36. Interesting information! I haven't given it much thought before but I will be paying more attention when I get breakouts.

  37. This is fascinating! I'm totally 11 and 12--stress and hormones--that's me! Very cool!


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